• 碧水如雪

            王洛斟酌着开口说道:“(对不起,我已经有了女朋友,我和她很相爱。但是如果你想和我们一起去吉林玩的话,我这里有她的电话号码,希望到时候你可以联系她,到时候我们也可以到处一起去玩啊。)Sorry, I have a girlfriend, and I love her very much.But if you want to go to Jilin with us, I have her phone number, I hope you can contact her, and then we can go and play.”

            那个女孩子一脸失望的点了点头,表示自己知道了,她羡慕的冲着王洛说道:“(真羡慕你的女朋友,做你的女朋友,她肯定很幸福吧。哪像我们这边的男孩子,都是大男子主义。一点都不像你,温文尔雅,而且,他们还长得还挺粗糙的。)Really envy your girlfriend, being your girlfriend, she must be very happy.The boys who look like us are all big men.One is not like you, gentle and gentle, and they are still very rough.”

            王洛打着马哈,表示自己真的不想成为男人中的公敌。而这个时候一个电话拯救了他。他看了一眼来电人,发现是姓霍家的那个小子。于是,她对着对面的女孩子说到:“(对不起,我和我朋友约定的时间到了。我现在就先走了,希望我们可以下次再见。拜拜!)I'm sorry, but I have an appointment with my friend.I'm leaving now. I hope we can see you next time.Byebye!”


            “天哪!唐尼,难道中国人都是这么温文尔雅吗?我真的很想嫁到中国来。Oh my GodDonny, is the Chinese all so gentle?I really want to marry China......


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